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.Thursday, June 7, 2012 @ 10:17 AM Y
命運真的好幽默 总是讓愛的人沉默 ..

was feeling kinda screwed up about worklife recently.ok la, maybe not that bad.
its just that i kinda lost the motivation to keep up to the expectations or standards i have for myself la.
anyway thats not the point..

appraisal (TPM) was on tuesday..
well, it wasn't that much fun as expected
the way my colleagues mentioned about appraisal sounded like it was a fun and interactive session with supervisor and boss
well, of course, it didn't turn out the way i thought it would be la.
i think my session lasted for close to an hr =.= even though i didn't really talk much
can't believe boss think that i am quiet..well, i thought it was a good thing in a sense, but oh well doesn't really matter to me anyway..

Lesson with Dr Ray was quite fun and interesting (well, at least i didn't fall asleep)
thought he would finish teaching that 3 topics early..but he ended up taking 2 hours..lols.

i believe i actually had better things to do rather than to blog here...
ok, i better end this post here before all the crappy piece of shit comes in...

.Saturday, June 2, 2012 @ 1:26 PM Y
命運真的好幽默 总是讓愛的人沉默 ..

today is truly an unlucky day for me. ARGHS!!!
really unlucky max sia!!!

SCMS 2011 Finisher tee exchange

scms finisher tee exchange is at spex house (at mountbatten there), and seriously speaking, it is quite inconvenient for us "west-erners" to go there..took 700 to raffles link there to change to circle line
series of heavy traffics in e midst of my bus trip there..nevermind..its expected cuz its a saturday
worst of all... when i reached the esplanade ctrl station...e security asked to see my bag -.-
wad e fuck, i saw the sign saying NO BULKY ITEMS leh..mine was freaking hell a crumpler bag..
not like im the only one carrying crumpler in the whole singapore...why check my one
i can only think of a few reasons
1.i look fucking suspicious
2. i look like a freaking terrorist

come on la, uncle.should i give u an award for being vigilant? or should i give u a slap for requesting to check my bag.
true enough that i dun have the right to deny (cuz i know if i really did =.= i would be wanted in the whole freaking station), but doesn't mean u can just conduct random check on me right! OR TELL ME! I LOOK EVIL IS IT !
im just really not happy that people are doing this to me like seriously.

and uncle, for ur info, i dun wanna hear thank u after u check my bag. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SAY "SORRY ABOUT THAT/SORRY FOR THE TROUBLE"..i would probably still smile back at u or smth instead of throwing dagger stares at u..so dun u blame me.
seriously had bad blood with kallang and its area nearby..so many till i dun wanna list it out.GRRR

this one i know is my fault..cuz i drank water in the bus =.=
but dear bus uncle, u also dunid like tt right. ZHAM BREAK WHEN I DRINKING WATER... TIMING GOT SO SHUI ANOT.
and i got water all over my clothes and bag...thanks alot =.=
lucky i wasn using my nalgene 1L bottle..otherwise everything would have been MUCH MUCH WORSE!

nothing is going right today. hais...

kinda scared to go training later.i know everything will be damn sucky due to the lack of swimming on my side and plus i dun seem to have fully recover from my cough..still got alot of phglem now =.=

hais....and am i that difficult of a person to handle.
i really think people like me should just remain single and continue to be hated by everyone.tyvm.

i only want to be loved.....

.Wednesday, May 30, 2012 @ 3:43 PM Y
命運真的好幽默 总是讓愛的人沉默 ..

building a hassle-free hospital

today was the course for buiding a hassle-free hospital.ever since i attended e orientation course at KTPH, its all about hassle-free..
true enough, being able to give patients the hassle-free experience is indeed not an easy task.. definitely not an easy task to build a hassle-free hospital.
anyways, even though at some point of time it was really BORING, im still glad at least i had company for this course :)
all along i have been attending courses alone, and now that i have people i know that are going, i felt so much relieved :)
lucky herman was there! his phone got alot of games (I THINK).. i think he can sense that i was super bored la, so he lemme play some games! hahas woots
all in all, the workshop was quite enriching :)

one more course (dunno when) for mask fitting.
dammmmn. i siam that course for very long already....think the HR side not happy, that they have to talk to my supervisor to press me to go =.=


metup with weihong yesterday for dinner at chili's :) its our second time there already!!!
food was ok la, ate pasta yesterday and some chicken-ish thing on previous visit. the chicken-ish one was of a HORRENDOUSLY HUGE PORTION! but the pasta was alright la.but still...would love it more if it were of cream base =pp
thereafter we went to watch MIB3! :) hahahas. nice show!!
had some serious discussion going on with weihong at the ticketing area about whether to watch the digital one or 3D one; and due to the showtimes available, we went for the latter one.
WEIHONG IS A BLUR SOTONG! its not like its the first time we watch movie together, and he knew i had an issue with sitting in e middle or wad. but usually whenever possible, we always go for the side seats (BCUZ I LIKE TO SIT AT THE SIDE).
he kuku bird! he saw row A got seats then he confidently say A1 and 2 ........
i look at him STUNNED. but i think he didn realise. so when the guy wanted to collect the money, i didn bother to say anything until after he paid.
he totally didn know i dont like corner seats (e one straight beside the wall =.=) so he got "scolded" by me.
first time watching MIB (other than cartoon); and it really was GREAT i should say :)

alrights, shall end here and return the "desktop" to my sis..shall stop here:)

.Saturday, May 26, 2012 @ 3:11 PM Y
命運真的好幽默 总是讓愛的人沉默 ..

one of the unusual saturdays... that i will actually be here writing my blog. (yes, and it means im not using my laptop but the "desktop" cuz no one is home!)

anyways..thats not the point..im happy in fact, because i finally got the chance to blog like FINALLY

usual rants

ok...last post on 3rd May.
bitching about how i hate my laptop for not allowing access to google sites and of course dear blogger.
i have no idea why but tried a million times to try to troubleshoot..but to no avail..damn.i give up..im no IT person..seriously.
but on the contrast...my laptop has been a legend..seriously.to be able to survive till now (it has been a good 4 years!) when i DO NOT UPDATE any antivirus software..do not update this do not update that.and plus my desktop is filled with icons.. that i have no slightest idea what are some of the programs that i anyhow downloaded from internet.
TELL ME, IT IS GOOOOOD!! how many laptops can bring anyone so far with all the shits that the owner has done right.
although it failed me several times, but...i cannot take away the credits for the goods that it has done.

well..anyway.im definitely not here to just talk about my laptop. but i believe i have the luxury today to write a super long post, since im in such a mood to do!

some random thoughts

this whole week kinda bring back alot of memories..cuz everywhere on facebook, i see all the graduation photos of this graduating batch.
and this reminds me that ...it has been a year since i have graduated...
seriously...it kinda sets me thinking.what have i achieved in this one year..seriously, it seems like its nothing.
ever since graduation, i have been working and studying my private degree..(good thing is im working part time only)
seems like i super have no life..who can i blame..other than myself for not being able to do well in my 3rd year..at least a little better to just get me in to a local uni..so that i can enjoy the last bit of student life. now all that past emotional turmoil that i could not get over with last time is all that i could blame? no...seriously..its still a lesson learnt. at least experience wise, i have to make sure no one in my "circle-of-love" repeats it.
sounds noble right..no la, i am not..
but oh wells...just some random photos i found =))
and of course, the most important people in my life..my mum and dad <3
missed those times where the 7 wonders were like LEGENDS in pharm sci =(
my boyfriend...that can smile like =D in my friends' photo and =1 in my photo =(
and of cuz the dear girls =)) that made the 3 years of poly life a memorable one
MY GIRLFRIEND <3 for all that we have been thru, i will remember it forever.. love u always =)
MY BRO <3 no words can express how lucky i am to have known this boy through Cameron highlands :)love u always

SEE...all that has been one year and i cant believe we are ALL TURNING OLD! zomg..NOOOO anyways..its good to see or hear that everyone is doing well in their respective areas =)

life nowadays

seriously im a little at a loss of words of how to describe my life.
somehow i feel that there MIGHT be people out there who envies my kind of life (SUPER MUNDANE ONE with super no time to spare if i have lessons in e evening) but of course, im only humans and there are times i feel doubtful of the things i do, and loses sense of direction sometimes? its only normal right?

people at work has been treating me really well la, and i really thank god i found such a nice working environment.
although things can be quite on the down side at times, but there are SUNNY DAYS too luh =) so, shall not make too much comments about it.

studying on the other hand, seems pretty shag this week mainly cuz its a mon-fri thing this week, with 2 tests this week and one upcoming essay and maths test that i very much regret to say that i have not started much on...hais.and i can still blog right.
i should really slap myself right?
i dont need people to nag at me, i have my own sense of urgency..just lemme do the things i wanna do.=x


as usual, fridays are the most awesome whenever i get to meet up with my bro.
what else could i ask for so long as there are days like that, where i can meetup with close friends and talk cock. whatmore, he's my BRO
seriously..never belittle brotherhood.. i would never have came so far without this kid.

so hooked to going for shuffle =x has been there so many times that some people there seemed to recognise us =.= zomg
we are even on talking terms with one of the guys there =.= anyways, its still a good thing i suppose hehheh=) ok la..shall stop here..im getting very long winded.

just hope that the july trip is still on....

.Thursday, May 3, 2012 @ 4:16 PM Y
命運真的好幽默 总是讓愛的人沉默 ..

has been super duper long since i last blogged... stupid laptop that cannot open blogger =.= and for crashing just when my report submission was roung the corner.tt really suck. but lucky all was normal again and that it didn jeoparidse my report. even if i were to invest in a external hard disk, i think tts nt e best option..hais..looks like i have to start saving up for another new laptop already. just changed my phone.. to samsung galaxy s2 =)) super happy. impressive phone, seriously.no wonder its e top android phone of top sales as well...even iphone is no match for it.whahahs. but on another note, that phone is super common also la =.= oh wells.wad to do. heard s3 is coming out soon..fast isn't it.looks like apple has a tough competitor. feeling so tired. the thought of me being so different from wad i was, is kinda getting me depressed. i hate my life now seriously.because i totally have no idea what i am doing it for..the focus is totally not there what am i doing it for, who am i doing things for, what do i wanna achieve..everything becomes so unclear. not that i hate this mundane life that is getting repeatitive..but i have no idea what to work towards to. and relationship is taking its toll on me now..seriously. sometimes, i really feel drained.super duper exhausted, that i dont wish to think about anything and let alone do anything all the motivation, all the fighting spirit is gone.LONG GONE.

.Friday, April 20, 2012 @ 4:13 PM Y
命運真的好幽默 总是讓愛的人沉默 ..


.Wednesday, April 11, 2012 @ 12:21 AM Y
命運真的好幽默 总是讓愛的人沉默 ..




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